Alice in Mid-Life Wonderland

I'm not supposed to be writing this.

I promised myself I wouldn't.

Well over a decade ago, I wrote in my diary that I was never going to have a mid-life crisis, that, indeed, I was going to be the one helping others avoid such a terrible thing.

Life loves to laugh when we are so certain of ourselves.

Here I am…feeling quite like a mid-life Alice entering Wonderland - curious, overwhelmed, and quite lost.

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No Pretty Title

I'm feeling deep in the chaos of life, and this writing will reflect those feelings. I'm going to be honest - I don't have a pretty theme for you this week.

I could fake it for you. But nobody wants that.

I'm here to encourage you to tell your story, day in and day out, to express who you are and what you are feeling whether it looks sexy or ugly or plain or indescribably complex.

Let me lead by example. Here’s the story….

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Express Your Truth

You've probably heard the phrase, "speak your truth" before. Have you ever thought about what that means? 

Your truth is the way that you perceive the world. It is made up of your experiences, the interpretations of your experiences, and the stories you have heard and believed from others' experiences. Why is it crucial that we hear YOURS? ….

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With This Body

If you are reading this, you have a body. And if you have a body, you almost certainly have (or have had) some negative thoughts about it. 

Your height, your weight, your illness, the symmetry of your face, the color of your skin, your wrinkles or rolls, the size of your feet, the veins in your legs, your hair or your migraines or stomach issues or your voice your lips your breasts your knees your fingernails ...

You are aware of your own physical self and I'm willing to bet that you judge that self, all too often. If you do, you'll relate to everything I've written. (If you don't, it is valuable to hear the perspectives of those who do ... millions of us.)

Within this post, I'm sharing my own struggles, why these cycles are so hard to get out of (for ALL of us), and where we might begin to find peace ... or at least, where we might take some space to just breathe.

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Play Time

I’ve noticed a trend in a majority of my adult friends: when we talk about play, it's all fun and games...but when one is asked to actually bring more play into daily life, the excuses start flowing in.  

Why do we feel this way?

Play in adulthood has often been associated with wasting time, being non-productive, and the opposite of work. Added to the moral guilt is the issue of time. In many instances, it feels like just one more thing to add to the "to-do" list.

It's no wonder, then, that in our productivity-driven society, play is something that is left to weekends, vacations, or something done only with kids.

Segregating play in this way is killing our creative nature.

But play with me here: what if we shifted perspectives?

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The Wilderness of Being

You are an unbelievably complex being, living this unbelievably complex thing called life, all within an unbelievably complex universe.

As you piece it all together, day after day, you create this unbelievably complex thing called "reality".

And each day, because it is all simply too vast, you choose which tiny parts of this complex existence you give your precious and limited attention to. Choosing actually creates this thing you call your reality - one tiny choice at a time.

The more attention you give to one part of your being today, the more likely you are to give attention to that same part tomorrow....

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