On Observation

"We (photographers) are observers." -Annie Leibovitz

Most of our holiday decorations have remained in boxes for weeks, boxes that have been shifted around from room to room.

Each day, I've seen these boxes. I've felt guilt (why can't I get this done?), anger (someone ELSE needs to put these up), loss (remember when we used to love doing this together?), and more.

I see them now, off to my side, as I sit in my large chair on an early Sunday morning. I take a photo, this photo.

The guilt, anger, loss - I observe all of that too as I move my cell phone around to compose the shot.

A moment of awareness, observing what is there, but not being overwhelmed by it.

No attachments to the emotions, the boxes, even the photo. Just this moment, fully experienced.

I take a sip of my almost-cold coffee and contemplate what comes next.

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