
I dreamt in Pinterest last night.


Image: Lisa Renee, from Brown County, IN

I finally caved to another calling a few days ago and requested an invitation to join Pinterest.  

If you are not familiar with this site, it is a fascinating photo-share site where you "pin" images you find from around the web to appear in your own Pinterest site.  You can create collections of delicious foods, creative techniques, home decorating, things that begin with "b"...whatever strikes your fancy.  Pinterest maintains the link back to the original site so you can always revisit the source of inspiration.

You can also peruse the boards of other members that appear on the Pinterest site and find some awe-inspiring images.

Yesterday I got hooked, browsing the web and Pinterest searching for any phrases that came to mind.  ("timeworn", "Italian", "twinkly lights"....)  I pinned a few photos in a board titled "Creating My Life" - you can find those here:


What I find most interesting is how this directs my attention.  (And for anyone who is familiar with the concept of this blog, we all know energy follows attention....)  It is like creating an online vision board for my creative life.

I created the board, "Creating My Life" because that is exactly what I do when searching and "pinning"...I am creating my life.  I am aware of and honoring that in this moment I am online looking at images.  I am aware of and honoring that by doing so, I am flooding my being with intention.  I am choosing where I focus my awareness and perhaps influencing where the energy will appear when I turn off the computer.

And yes, last night I dreamt in Pinterest.  Images I had found and those I've yet to find flooded my head - of frayed quilts lining the bed, a worn wood floor I step on in the morning before stepping into my fuzzy slippers and pulling open the embroidered curtains to overlooks miles of rolling hills and trees.  

I embodied how I feel and how I might feel.  

I used every sense - the scent of my art/yoga barn the first thing in the morning as I push back the doors to reveal sunlit-specks falling upon well-used tarps lining the floor.  The scents late in the evening of empty wine glasses, candles releasing their last smokes, drying herbs sighing into the cooling evening.  The echoing conversations of my kids and husband over a veggie-filled dinner eating on mix-and-match porcelain obtained via our travels and adventures....


There is wondrous power in envisioning.  There is fascinating power in being aware of what is right now.  As I learn to infuse the magic of what is with the possibilities of what could be, as one might drop colored dye into water, I slip into a beautiful way of being.  A way of deeply appreciating what is and being excited about every mindful moment I exist.....And drawn towards a peaceful comfort with inevitable change.  

These images accompany me in my dreams at night and surround me even when I awake.  As I hear my kids giggling upstairs right now and turn around to see the paint on the canvas drying behind me, I am filled with spacious gratitude for being and for dreaming.


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