Posts in Contemplations
A Few Moments In Nature, With Nature

It'd been a long day, and I was at home, exhausted, without kids or husband. 99% of the time in these situations, I'd take a nap. But I was craving a different type of rest... so I grabbed my coat and headed out the door to a lake + trail about 10 minutes from my house.

I left my camera in the car - which I very, very rarely do, and went for a 45 minute hike on the trail. Just myself, my thoughts, and the cold wind.

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Such Is Life

I'm losing it. 

I SHOULD be all grateful that the house is a mess because I have kids healthy enough to make that mess, I SHOULD be present with kids who want to build a fort with the blankets I just laundered, folded, and put in the closet, .... but I'm not and I'm not. This is life.

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